Career Center Student Assistants

Brief Description of your duties:

• Hold weekly online advising hours focused on resumes, cover letters, and introductory information about the graduate internship program
• Conduct online or in-person outreach workshops to departments and students groups on introductory career and professional development topics (resumes, interviewing, networking)
• Provide suggestions on how graduate programming services, and marketing strategies can be improved

What does the Georgia Tech Career Center mean to you?

The Georgia Tech Career Center is a vital resource empowering students with essential skills and opportunities for professional growth. As a career peer advisor, it represents a platform for holistic development, bridging academic learning with real-world application. The Career Center fosters a culture of excellence and innovation, equipping students with the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in their chosen fields. It serves as a catalyst for personal and professional growth, preparing students to become future leaders and innovators in their respective industries.

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