How can you be the student that every top employer wants to hire? What does it take to get the job of your dreams?
By participating in the Jacket Job Ready Challenge, you will learn job readiness skills and gain insight into what it takes to secure the internship, co-op, and full-time job opportunities you want. Students have the opportunity to progress through 3 levels of the challenge, which result in increased benefits for participation. This includes early access to the All-Majors Career Fair, among other items.

- All Career Center workshops, webinars, and designated self-paced career activities (see list below) count towards the completion of the challenge.
- Students can “level up” from Bronze to Silver to Gold (5 – 10 – 15) in future semesters or within 1 semester.
- Your Bronze/Silver/Gold status carries over each semester until you level up and graduate from Georgia Tech.
- To gain early access to the All-Majors Career Fairs (Silver can be admitted 15 min early and Gold 30 min early), you must submit your Challenge Completion Form the Wednesday before the career fair.
- In-person Workshop & Online Webinar Rules:
- You are required to attend workshops/webinars for the full period to get credit for attendance
- Students who are more than 5 minutes late will not be counted for in-person or virtual events
- Students must stay the duration of the event
- Please be aware Zoom indicates if you leave a webinar early or arrive late
- If you register for a webinar you MUST use your @gatech.edu email address listed in your CareerBuzz account so the Career Center can verify your participation.
- No substitutions – you can only participate in Career Center workshops/webinars and designated self-paced career activities.
- Scheduling appointments with Career Development Advisors/Career Educators or attending Career Center drop-in hours does NOT count towards the challenge.
- Participation in Career Center programs from August 1, 2022 onwards counts towards the program.
- You must fill out the completion form to indicate you have achieved a level and allow 5 business days for a response during peak recruiting periods (2 weeks before and after career fairs). Business days do not include the weekend.
- You must fill out the completion form each time you level up and keep track of your attendance.
Every student has unique career needs and professional interests. In recognition of this, the Jacket Job Ready Challenge provides maximum flexibility for students to select any 5, 10, or 15 Career Center workshops, webinars, events, or self-paced activities to participate in. Below is more information about activities that count towards the challenge.
Learning TrackExamples |
Event Participation TrackExamples |
Skill Development |
LinkedIn Learning Courses |
Experiential Education |
- Create an account at gatech.biginterview.com
- Select the “Practice” tab at the top of the page.
- Complete a General, Industry, Admission, or Government Mock Interview.
- Next, click “My videos” and the “Actions” button by your recorded interview.
- Select Share. Include this link in your Jacket Job Ready Completion Form.
- See screenshots below for additional guidance.

- To participate in the Jacket Job Ready Challenge and receive benefits, you must sign up BEFORE you participate:
- When you have completed the Jacket Job Ready Challenge requirements, fill out the Jacket Job Ready Challenge Completion Form once you have completed a level (5 for Bronze, 10 for Silver, 15+ for Gold); again, you must fill out a new form when you level up.
- Attendance is verified and students will receive an email confirmation of completion.
- Students stop by the Career Center front desk (1st floor of the Bill Moore Student Success Center) to pick up their rewards. Rewards must be picked up in person and will not be shipped.
- Students are encouraged to share their digital certificate(s) on LinkedIn, professional websites, or other online sites.