Graduate Co-op & Internship Manager
Bill Moore Student Success Center
1st Floor
Ariel Gladney joined the Career Center in October 2021. Ariel has a B. A. in Psychology and a B. A. in Applied Sociology from Valdosta State University website. She spent 8 years working in the field of social work in many different roles, her most recent role being a preparation for adult living coordinator, assisting foster youth with adulthood training, understanding their benefits, and prepping for higher education. Ariel has studied the ways of the brain and the flow of society; she has coupled her knowledge with her skill set to perpetuate social work in action. Ariel is creative and loves to write, travel, and help others no matter the capacity. As an Experiential Coordinator, she helped develop efficiency in the registration process for undergraduate students looking to register for their internships. Organized the Co-op and Internship Programs Student Ambassador Program and was an advisor for the Briaerean Honor Society. In 2024, she completed the GACE Leadership Institute. Currently, chairing AuthenTech Liaison work with First Gen populations and co-chairing LGBTQIA liaison work to ensure students in these populations have career development programming created with their identities in mind. She now rejoins the Career Center in her new role as Graduate Internship Program Manager.