My experience with CareerBuzz and receiving the Ivan Allen College Experiential Education Stipend has further developed my internship experience by allowing me to fully understand all the benefits that come with completing an undergraduate internship. I completed a remote opportunity as a political affairs intern with The Borgen Project and I learned a lot about mobilizing, lobbying, and advocacy in relation to global poverty issues. Even though I knew what all this was before my internship, this was the first time I got to practice these skills in a real-life setting, and this allowed to me realize parts I liked and did not like which has helped me guide my future career path. With receiving this stipend, I had to register my internship with CareerBuzz and complete additional tasks, such as creating personal goals and work goal objectives with my supervisor. These kind of tasks benefited me because they made me think more about how doing an internship is developing my skills as a whole, and not just within my specific role.